(24/7) Hotline Number
Haque Tower(8th Floor)
Mohakhali, Dhaka
9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday to Thursday
Our services

For our very specific sector,
we have precisely-tailored Livestock solutions.

For Investors
Through a secured funding model, we ensure that individual or institutional investors achieve optimal returns of their investment
For Farmers
praniSheba shared farming ensures maximum profitability for farmers through financing, monitoring, insurance and market access.
For Customers
Our customers get connected to the marginal farmers' products through our e-commerce platform to have the organic items for them.
Our company

Keeping the sustainable solution
for marginal farmers in mind
praniSheba Jouthokhamar is
ensuring the availability of
technology and resources.


Unique features of praniSheba Jouthokhamar are establishing linkage between investors and farmers, providing much needed veterinary services and consultations, and creating the market linkage to sell the produce.

In praniSheba Shared Farming, an adolescent bull aged 18-24 months is bought and given to a marginal livestock farmer where the pranisheba’s branch office is located. For the next 4-5 months, the farmer raises this cattle. The cattle is then sold at the local market or through the praniSheba shop to any buyer at the most profitable price.

Learn More About Our Technologies

Adorsho PraniSheba specializes on extending technological lead
This is how we provide you with the best cow data and recommendations for action.
about sharefarm

We have bunch of prospects critically scrutinized by our team who have the practice of cattle rearing.

praniSheba receives individual or institutional investment based on the category they prefer to invest on.

We purchase cattle with the presence of our beneficiaries and praniSheba team. We prioritize the choice of the beneficiaries in choosing the cattle. Our beneficiaries rear this cattle from 4-6 months.

Within few days of purchasing the cattle, the deworming, vaccination and insurance enrolment is done. praniSheba Vet team monitor the cattle throughout the rearing period through praniSheba apps.


Get a copy of brochure on JouthoKhamar.

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We’ve been thriving in 2 years

Champion, National Basis ICT Award Industrial-Agriculture Category Dhaka, Bangladesh
Champion, National Basis ICT Award Industrial-Agriculture Category Dhaka, Bangladesh
Adorsho pranisheba won National Basis ICT Award Industrial-Agriculture Category for Cattle Face Recognition for insurance purpose in 2019.
Champion, APICTA Award 2019 Ha Long Bay
Champion, APICTA Award 2019 Ha Long Bay
After winning on national competition, Adorsho praniSheba represented Bangladesh on global platform and once again became the Champion in APICTA Award-2019 in Ha long Bay
Fintech Innovation of the year - Tech Award”, Bangladesh Brand Forum, Bangladesh
Fintech Innovation of the year - Tech Award”, Bangladesh Brand Forum, Bangladesh
“Fintech Innovation of the year - Tech Award”, Bangladesh Brand Forum, Bangladesh

What do people praise about JouthoKhamar?

Phoenix Insurance Company Limited
Business Organization
"Excellent chance to participate in and contribute to the development of forward market linkage. It's a one-of-a-kind platform where you may profit while also altering the lives of marginal farmers."
Mohammed Habibur Rahman & Farzana Rahman
“We choose to invest in their Shariah-compliant program. It was a risk worth taking, and the outcome was positive. I admire what they're doing for small-scale farmers and wish them the best of luck."

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